Large Group
Our Large Group meeting every Tuesday evening on IU’s campus is one of the keystones of what we do. We spend time singing, praying, listening to a message, socializing, and laughing. It’s an easy “on ramp” to the community of RUF. This is a very welcoming and inviting time where anyone, regardless of background or beliefs, should feel comfortable joining us.
We’d love for you to join us!
We’ll be meeting in Woodburn Hall 009 at 8pm on Tuesday evenings!
Find updated info on our Instagram @rufindiana
Small Groups
If you haven’t picked up on it, Scripture & Community are two things that we highly value. Small Groups are another but more intimate way of getting involved with RUF. We have Bible Studies and other groups that meet at a variety of times throughout the week. Contact a staff member if you’d like to find out more!
One on Ones
We believe each person is made in God’s image and has inherent dignity. It’s for this reason and the fact that growing in faith and experiencing Jesus happens in relationship, that we love meeting with students one on one. We have students who reach out to fellow students. Our staff also loves spending time one on one with any student. If you’re interested in meeting up, reach out!
Prayer is the way we seek to cry out to God, knowing that we can do nothing without his help. Throughout the week, but especially on Friday, we meet to pray for each other and for our campus. PtL (Prayer then Lunch) meets every Friday at 12:30 in Beck Chapel.
Service Opportunities
RUF at IU exists not just for our own purposes, but to serve the rest of our campus and community. We want to love IU. And so we hope that our presence will make the IU campus and the city of Bloomington a better place to live, study, and play. As a few examples, we’ve partnered with Habitat for Humanity, Operation Christmas Child, and Wheeler Mission.
Fellowship Events
We love having fun. We love parties. Whether it’s our weekly lunches on campus, regular game nights, our Fall Party, or our annual Yule Ball (and so much more!), we want to create a culture of community, vulnerability, hospitality, and Gospel laughter. Come have fun with us!
Whether it’s our FallCon (Fall Conference), WinCon (Winter Conference), or SuCo (Summer Conference), we love getting away to be in a more intentional time of community, worship, exploration of God’s word, and fun. We often do this with other RUF chapters around the midwest, or in the case of SuCo, we join over a thousand students from around the country for a full week of God at work at the beach. As one Senior recently said, “SuCo was the greatest week of my life.” But don’t take our word for it (or hers), come join us!